Monday, September 16

QR Codes: Changing Our Everyday Interactions

It is no secret that QR codes are everywhere these days. One can find them on restaurant menus, affixed to business card, or even on the packaging of the products you buy. They are simple yet effective tools that can bind the real world to a digital world. QR codes can be handy tools you may need whether you are a business owner, marketer, or just a curious citizen who wonders how these square shapes work. This guide will discuss everything you need to know about QR codes and show you how to create a QR code in minutes.

What is a QR Code?

A QR code (quick response) is a multi-dimensional barcode that can hold much more information like a link to an internet site, the information on a business card, or even a full charlotte menu. Traditional barcodes most commonly found on products purchased at a store are read left to right only with horizontal variations only visible to encode data; QR codes can be read horizontally and vertically which means they can hold much more information. Users just need to use their smartphone or QR code reader app (that can scan the given QR code) to extract whatever information code is embedded in the code.

The Popularity of QR Codes: An Overview

There are many reasons why QR Codes have gained such popularity:

  • Usefulness: A simple scan of a QR code using your phone will connect you to whatever the code is linking to.
  • Flexible: QR codes can link to websites, phone numbers, event information, social media links—almost anything!
  • Free: You can generate and use QR codes at no cost, so they are accessible to any business regardless of size.
  • Contact-free: Especially relevant now, QR codes provide a safe, contactless way to share information.

How to Create a QR Code in Minutes

The best part of QR codes is that they are simple because you can create free QR code in no time just with one click. And if you don’t have a tech-savvy team, new codes can be generated for you.

Here’s how:

  • Choose QR Code Generator: Several online tools demonstrate creating your own QR code including: QR Code Monkey, Adobe Express, QR Stuff, and GoQR.
  • Determine What You Would Like to Share: Do you want that code to link directly to a web page, share a phone number, or quick email address? Decide the kind of avatar you want to link to first.
  • Customize: Some QR code generators allow you to add colors and logos, or even shape an avatar to your liking, regardless of merchant.
  • Generate and Download: After you are happy with what you need, click Generate, and you are completed. Download that code, and you may begin using your code at any time.
  • Test Your Code: Before going live, test the QR code on a variety of devices to ensure it works.

Practical QR Code Applications

Now that you have obtained an efficient QR code, you may be wondering about how to utilize it on a practical basis:

Marketing: You may wish to add a QR code to your business cards, flyers or posters to direct people to your website or a special promotional link.

Event check-in: You could scan QR codes for event registrations or ticket scanning to do check-ins quickly.

Retail: You may choose to put QR codes on the product packaging to route consumers to product-specific details or user manuals immediately.

Networking: You may wish to place a QR code of your contact info on your business card, no more typing a phone number!


QR codes are an efficient way to provide valuable information to ease your personal and/or professional life. The best part is that you can start creating a QR code, usually within minutes. In the pursuit of business reasons, or just trying to connect with your friend over what happened on the last episode of your favorite show, QR codes have provided an efficient way to distribute and obtain information.

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